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Reflections on the Year Ahead


It's hard to believe February is half gone already. I so look forward to the coming of spring when the whole world comes back to life after the winter slumber.

I thank February for giving us a little taste of what's to come with unseasonably warm days here and there. I thank February for the welcome birdsong outside the window as their voices also yearn for spring. I thank February for Valentine's Day when we are reminded to love each other every day and not just on the 14th. I thank February for reminding us that having a time of rest and hibernation is not necessarily a bad thing. I thank February for being a month between when we get a chance to reflect on what we did last year and what we have to look forward to in this year ahead that has really only just begun. I thank February for the color red that I see everywhere as it's one of my favorite and happiest of colors.

I have BIG plans this year in every aspect of my life. I want to accomplish so much! I want this to be a year to remember. This will be the year we open our farm store for business and fill it with homegrown vegetables, fresh eggs, handmade crafts and soaps and jars of jams and jellies. This will be the year I turn 55, another new milestone. This is the year I'm hoping to publish four more books. (I have one done already) This is the year I'll become a big social media sensation. (Ok, some things I'm just sending out there for my own amusement) This is the year we will add more herbs, more blackberries, pecans, cranberries and heirloom tomatoes to our ever-growing acre of food. This is the year I will learn new things, grow as a human being, be kinder to the people around me, enjoy more of life, be healthier, move my body more, laugh every day, love more, listen better, make new friends and cherish old ones, hold my family close and be a part of humanity.

Every year we make promises to ourselves, to the universe or whatever god we believe in, to others and we strive to keep those promises. My biggest promise to myself this year is to be true. I promise that I will be true to what I believe in, what makes me happy, what does no harm to others, what nurtures the earth, what gives back, what grows joy. I promise to make myself the wished for gift. I pledge to love all the important people in my life with a truth that they can feel.


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